author Mladen



  • More than 80% of men of various ages have difficulty achieving an erection, but only half of them consult a doctor. In the article, we will consider effective ways to increase potential after 50 years.
    27 March 2024
  • A healthy sex life is not only with the help of drugs, but you can revise the diet by adding foods that will increase attraction and strengthen male power. Products that increase male potency - this is a complete list of vegetables, fruits, fish and spices that improve libido.
    11 September 2022
  • What are the ways to rapidly increase potential at home with the help of nutrition, physical activity and special training.
    18 June 2022
  • The main causes of male impotence. Independent capacity building with folk remedies and active lifestyle, as well as other recommendations. Doctors' advice.
    15 June 2022
  • Which recommendations will allow you to increase your potential quickly in a natural way, and what role does aromatherapy and relaxation play in this, as well as what exercises and what foods help you to better your potential.
    15 June 2022